Day Zero Project Update

If you are unfamiliar with the Day Zero Project, I recommend checking out this website: I don’t use the website since I’ve been participating since before the official website actually existed, but it’s a good place for beginners. Basically, you make a list of 101 personal goals and you have 1001 days to achieve them. Thus far, I’ve never managed to complete even half my list, but lists and challenges are fun, so I continue on.

This list has been severely hampered by personal events (my wedding, selling a home, moving to a new state, etc…), but I’m slowly making progress. I have just over a year left on this list. Hopefully, enough time to get a bunch more items checked off.

Category: Cats

I’ve made some progress in this category as I’ve gotten Miss Melody to start losing weight. It’s a slow process, but we’ve definitely made some progress. Also, awhile back we added Meredith to the Banfield Wellness Plan, meaning all the cats except Whisket are now covered.


Category: Tabletop Games

No recent progress as we haven’t had anytime for games thanks to spending all our weekend time fixing vehicles (and a few other complications). However, I apparently haven’t updated the list in quite some time and my completion of playing Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective had not been listed. It is an awesome game. I highly recommend (but when you do play make sure you have lots of mental energy available…it takes a long time and requires concentration and observation).

Category: Video Games

I’ve definitely made some progress here (of course!) I have goals involving playing each game on my Steam account for at least 5 hours (or until completed) and to have finished 30% of those games. I’ve been actively trying to finish some of the smaller games on my Steam account, and trying to play new games when possible. For playing every game, I’m at 41%, for finish 30% I’m at 30% (of the 30%). I’ve had some setbacks when earning Sim achievements, but I’ve made progress here as well. I’ve started a Legacy which will hopefully help me achieve a bunch. You can read about Martin Bowling here.

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Category: Books

As I’ve discussed here recently, I’ve been making progress on my book challenge. I’m still waiting to hear back from several people on their book ideas, but I’ve obtained my first suggested book and started reading.

Category: Movies, TV, Podcasts

I’ve recently been giving ratings and reviews for some of my favorite podcasts. I’ve rated 12 out of my 20-ratings goal. Ratings are super important for podcasts as it helps them get new listeners.

Category: Science and Learning

Since I last updated my list, I have completed two of these…update my resume and update LinkedIn. I’m also in the middle of taking an online course.

Category: Snailmail

I completed my goal of finding a postcard penpal awhile ago. I have a few now, actually.

Category: Creation

A great while back (more than a year), I completed the goal of remaking a lotion for Jimmy’s aunt that I had made previously and she requested me to make again. Since then, however, I haven’t made any progress in this category.

Category: Misc

I’ve made a new list of Disney movies and we’ve watched one so far. I also created a new Food Passport for down here since it’s unlikely I will be completing the Toledo one. I suppose one could make arguments that computer coding could be useful in a zombie apocalypse, but I don’t think I’ll be counting it.

No Progress Achieved:

I haven’t made any progress in my D&D/Pathfinder category. We had to stop our game because of the move and I haven’t had time to work on bringing it together online. So, these goals have been shelved for now.




DZP: Book Challenge!

Aww…Christmas is over….that means I have to take down my Christmas header…. :::cries:::

As I’ve talked about before, I have a Day Zero Project List, also known as 101 things in 1001 days. One of the tasks I have planned for my Book Category is to have 15 people (friends, family, acquaintances) suggest one book each, and read those books. My thinking on this is two-fold…I’d like to expand the genres that I read, but also my friends and family who have similar tastes and interests to me, will likely suggest books I enjoy. As an added bonus, I learn more about them!

I’ve gotten several responses to my email request for books. Here is what we have so far:

NPCs (Spells, Swords, & Stealth Book 1) by Drew Hayes
The Illuminatus Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea
The Book of Jhereg by Steven Brust
Lies My Teacher Told Me (2nd Ed) by James Loewen
The Fountains of Paradise by Arthur C. Clarke
House of Spirits by Isabelle Allende

The Fountains of Paradise and House of Spirits were on Paperback Swap. I’ve requested both, and Fountains of Paradise is already in the mail. I’ve added myself to the waiting list for the other books.

If you’d like to see more photos, please donate to my Patreon (as little as $1 a month) so I can upgrade this site- I’m running out of space!!! Cat videos will also happen if I get enough donors. 🙂

Day Zero Project: TV, Movies, Podcasts

If you are unfamiliar with DZP, you should go here  for a brief explanation, and then check out my current list here. (mind you, it’s a bit out of date…I’ll be updating it as I do these posts). My 101 tasks are broken down into 10 different categories. I’ll post an update on each of these categories…evaluating my progress, making changes if needed, and deciding where to go next.

TV, Movies, Podcasts

  1. Have 7 friends suggest 3 movies each and watch them
  2. Watch 3 comedy specials I haven’t seen
  3. Watch 3 nominees for best picture for each of the past seven years
  4. Have 10 friends suggest 1 TV series each and watch at least one season
  5. Have 3 binge-watching days
  6. Catch-up on Nerdette assignments
  7. Rate 20 podcasts
  8. Purchase Logo Gear from 5 podcasts
  9. Listen to all of We’re Alive
  10. Open

Day Zero Project: Reading Category

If you are unfamiliar with DZP, you should go here  for a brief explanation, and then check out my current list here. (mind you, it’s a bit out of date…I’ll be updating it as I do these posts). My 101 tasks are broken down into 10 different categories. I’ll post an update on each of these categories…evaluating my progress, making changes if needed, and deciding where to go next.

Category Five: Reading

  • Have 15 people suggest one book each and read them
  • Complete 1 reading challenge
  • Read at least 10 books from a pile of books that I already own
  • Swap 5 books
  • Review 10 more books on Goodreads
  • Read 5 more books on IGGPPC
  • Read 5 more Agatha Christie novels
  • Read 5 more Eberron novels
  • Read 5 more Xanth novels
  • Have 5 people suggest 2 comic books each and read them


Day Zero Project: D&D Category Update

If you are unfamiliar with DZP, you should go here  for a brief explanation, and then check out my current list here. (mind you, it’s a bit out of date…I’ll be updating it as I do these posts). My 101 tasks are broken down into 10 different categories. I’ll post an update on each of these categories…evaluating my progress, making changes if needed, and deciding where to go next.

Category Four: Dungeons & Dragons (or Pathfinder)

  1. Read “Of Dice and Men
  2. Listen to all of the “Critical Success” podcast
  3. Read the Roleplaying Tips archive
  4. Organize all my D&D files
  5. Update NPC organization system
  6. Update town organization system
  7. Get a physical copy of the group portrait and hang it up (in the nerd cave)
  8. Acquire 10 new D&D accessories (10% completed)
  9. Get Obsidian Portal updated (not sure how this one will play out because of the move…)
  10. Get 50 blog posts under the GM category (22% completed)

Day Zero Project: Video Game Category Update

If you are unfamiliar with DZP, you should go here  for a brief explanation, and then check out my current list here. (mind you, it’s a bit out of date…I’ll be updating it as I do these posts). My 101 tasks are broken down into 10 different categories. I’ll post an update on each of these categories…evaluating my progress, making changes if needed, and deciding where to go next.

Category Three: Video Games

  1. Play all video games in my Steam list for at least 5 hours (or until completion in the case of short games).
  2. Have seven friends suggest three games each and play them.
  3. Complete 30% of my games on Steam.
  4. Make a video game challenge with different genres of games (like a book challenge where you read books from genres you don’t normally read).
  5. Play Dwarf Fortress
  6. Finish a Console Game
  7. Earn every achievement in the Sims 4.
  8. Play or delete all games on tablet.
  9. Watch 3 “Let’s Play Videos” (33% done).
  10. Finish all of Dragon Age (new!)

A few items on here I’ve made progress on, but I wasn’t working on them specifically for the list, so I need to update my spreadsheet with some numbers. I can definitely make some progress in this category without spending a dime, so I’ll be coming back to the list soon.

Day Zero Project: Tabletop Category Update

If you are unfamiliar with DZP, you should go here  for a brief explanation, and then check out my current list here. (mind you, it’s a bit out of date…I’ll be updating it as I do these posts). My 101 tasks are broken down into 10 different categories. I’ll post an update on each of these categories…evaluating my progress, making changes if needed, and deciding where to go next.

You can read the progress on my Cat category here.

Category Two: Tabletop Games

  1. Play every game we own and get rid of (donate, toss, etc..) the ones we won’t play again- We have a LOT of good games, but we also have some really old ones, freebies, and the like that aren’t very good.
  2. Have seven people suggest three board games each and play them- A challenge within a challenge! My friends have good taste, and it may force me to play a game that I don’t have interest in, but may actually really like.
  3. Play Caverna- The spiritual successor to Agricola. I find the theme more appealing, and it’s been on my wishlist since before it came out.
  4. Play all scenarios of Pandemic
  5. Learn to play chess- An embarrassing gap in my gamer knowledge. I’ve also found that lots of video games have chess-inspired puzzles.
  6. Play all Dominion Scenarios
  7. Play a Mouseguard campaign through an entire seasonal cycle
  8. Play Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective- (100% completed) DONE!!! Loved it!
  9. Have five friends suggest one RPG each and play them (same reasoning as above)
  10. Play with each Munchkin deck that I own at least twice (the amount of decks we have seems disproportionate to the amount we play)

Sub-category Progress: 10%

Sadly, all of these will need to wait until I move down to Virginia. I’m not interested in completing these goals without the help of my husband.

Day Zero Project: Cat Category Update

Oh yeah, before this whole moving/buying-and-selling-houses business started, I was working on a Day Zero Project list!

I figured maybe I should return to the list…it’ll give me another thing to get excited about while I’m waiting for my life to get back to normal.

If you are unfamiliar with DZP, you should go here  for a brief explanation, and then check out my current list here. (mind you, it’s a bit out of date…I’ll be updating it as I do these posts). My 101 tasks are broken down into 10 different categories. I’ll post an update on each of these categories…evaluating my progress, making changes if needed, and deciding where to go next).


Category One: Cats

  1. Sign-up all cats on the Banfield Plan (50% completed)- At the time of this goal’s creation, we had 6 of the 8 cats on the plan. We added Meredith recently, after she had a minor skin infection. The remaining challenge is to figure out how to get Whisket safely to the vet, while not letting her see (or smell?) any other animals (including at the Vet).
  2. Organize all cat toy boxes- This has been somewhat completed, as I did a cull of toys before the move. However, I still haven’t gone through them thoroughly.
  3. Repair or toss all cat furniture (25% completed)- We eliminated some during the move, but we still need to re-rope/carpet the two towers, along with some small scratchers.
  4. Make 3 homemade cat treats- I have recipe books! Just need some time.
  5. Get Miss Melody to Lose Weight- I need to be in Virginia for this
  6. Brush a cat’s teeth (Fred?) once a week for 6 months- I need to be in Virginia with my kitties.
  7. Have a daily playtime for 3 months (100% complete!)- You can go here to see my summary of this task.
  8. Spend quality time with Whisket daily for 3 months (100% complete)
  9. Get a subscription box for the kitties
  10. Review 10 cat products (30% complete)- Here’s what I’ve done so far: Scratcher Lounge, Clump & Seal, and PureBites Chicken Breast.

Sub-section percentage complete: ~30%


DZP Task #6: Completed

A few days ago, I posted my Day Zero Project list. Now that I’ve posted my list, I can begin updating you on what I’ve already completed.

Task #6: Have a daily playtime with the cats for 3 months.

Task #6 was completed in early November of last year. I paused the challenge while I was away for my wedding. Playtime is important for cats health and well-being (provides them exercise, prevents boredom). Since I have 8 cats, playtime can take a lot longer than in your average cat household, so I wasn’t providing an interactive playtime as often as I wanted. This three month period is why I came up with so many enrichment activities such as this one.

Now that the task is complete, I left the daily cat playtime on my daily to-do list. It doesn’t happen everyday, but it happens most days.

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Day Zero Project List #3

For some reason, I never got around to updating you about my newest Day Zero Project List which I started shortly after list 2 finished last summer. I’ve been working on it slowly but consistently since July 1st. This third list is more nerd/geek themed than previous lists.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the Day Zero Project, the idea is that you make a list of 101 things you want to do in the next 1001 days. List can be themed (for example, 101 dishes you want to cook, 101 books you want to read, etc…), but usually encompass multiple categories of different things people want to achieve.

My third list is broken up into 10 categories with the remaining goal being to “create another list”.


1) Sign-up all cats onto a Banfield Wellness Plan

2) Organize cat toys

3) Repair or recycle all cat furniture

4) Make 3 homemade cat treats

5) Get Miss Melody to lose some weight

6) Have a daily playtime for 3 months

7) Spend quality time with Whisket every single day for 3 months

8) Review 10 cat products

9) Get subscription box for kitties

10) [empty; tbd]

Tabletop Games

1) Play every game we own at least once

2) Have 7 people suggest 3 board games each & play them

3) Play Caverna

4) Play all Pandemic scenarios

5) Learn to play chess

6) Play all Dominion scenarios

7) Play a Mouseguard campaign that lasts at least one full cycle

8) Play Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective

9) Have 5 friends suggest 1 RPG each & play them

10) Play each Munchkin deck I own at least twice

Video Games

1) Play all games in my Steam list for at least 5 hours

2) Have 7 people suggest 3 games & play them

3) Finish 30% of my Steam games

4) Make a “Video Game Challenge” for myself with different genres (like book challenges)

5) Seriously attempt to play Dwarf Fortress

6) Check out Backlogger

7) Earn every achievement in the Sims 4

8) Play or delete all games on my tablet

9) Watch 3 “Let’s Play” videos

10) Complete a Sims 4 Bachelor


1) Read of Dice & Men

2) Listen to all of Critical Success

3) Read all of RPT

4) Organize all D&D files

5) Update all NPC cards

6) Update all town cards

7) Get physical copy of group portrait & hang up

8) Acquire 10 new D&D accessories

9) Get Obsidian Portal Up-to-date

10) Create 50 blog posts related to D&D


1) Have 15 people suggest 1 book each & read them

2) Complete 1 reading challenge

3) Read 10 books I already own

4) Swap 5 books on Paperback Swap

5) Review 10 books on Goodreads

6) Read 5 IGGPPC books

7) Read 5 Agatha Christie books

8) Read 5 Eberron books

9) Read 5 Xanth books

10) Have 5 people suggest 2 comics each & read them

Movies, TV & Podcasts

1) Have 7 friends suggest 3 movies each & watch them

2) Watch 3 comedy specials

3) Watch 3 nominees for Best Picture for the past 7 years

4) Have 10 friends suggest 1 TV series each & watch at least 5 episodes

5) Have 3 binge-watching days

6) Complete all Nerdette homework assignments

7) Rate 20 podcasts on itunes

8) Donate or purchase logo gear from 5 podcasts

9) Listen to all of We’re Alive

10) Play 3 RPGs recommended on one-shot

Learning & Science

1) Update Resume

2) Update LinkedIn

3) Take 3 online courses

4) Visit 3 zoos other than Toledo

5) Find & play three online educational games

6) Visit 3 museums

7) Take a cooking class

8) Go to 3 public lectures

9) Visit a National Park

10) [empty; tbd]


1) Put together my “Kate Binder”

2) Bring my Postcrossing total to 300

3) Find a postcard penpal

4) Send out all IGGPPC street team swag

5) Participate in 5 IGGPPC swaps

6) Send birthday cards to 30 people

7) Send 3 random care packages

8) Make it onto the IGGPPC leaderboard

9) [empty; tbd]

10) [empty; tbd]


1) Complete all projects on Soap Queen TV

2) Finish needle-felting kits

3) Learn 1 new craft

4) Create fantasy-themed soap line

5) Remake lotion for Titia

6) Give myself a hair wrap

7) Purchase 3 handmade items

8) Use 3 Brambleberry Kits

9) Make 1 recipe from each cookbook I have

10) Make every recipe in cookie cookbook


1) Learn one skill beneficial in a zombie apocalypse

2) Complete 3 BoomBoom cards & 3 Living Life Cards

3) Participate in a Christmas-related charity

4) Volunteer for 10 hours

5) Host another Maine trip

6) Visit one state I haven’t been to

7) Have 3 random GPS adventures

8) Catch-up on Disney movies

9) Participate in GISHWHES

10) Catch-up on Pottermore (and participate along the way)

I’ve already completed or made significant progress on many of these. I will be posting more details on specific goals soon.