DZP Task #6: Completed

A few days ago, I posted my Day Zero Project list. Now that I’ve posted my list, I can begin updating you on what I’ve already completed.

Task #6: Have a daily playtime with the cats for 3 months.

Task #6 was completed in early November of last year. I paused the challenge while I was away for my wedding. Playtime is important for cats health and well-being (provides them exercise, prevents boredom). Since I have 8 cats, playtime can take a lot longer than in your average cat household, so I wasn’t providing an interactive playtime as often as I wanted. This three month period is why I came up with so many enrichment activities such as this one.

Now that the task is complete, I left the daily cat playtime on my daily to-do list. It doesn’t happen everyday, but it happens most days.

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