Rebecca Brown: Update 3

Here’s an update on Rebecca Brown, our pet sim that you helped me to create. You can read more about her here. You voted to focus on Rebecca’s career, and that she should try to complete 1 to 2 whims per day. She is also saving money to turn her guest room into a studio.

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Rebecca finally had a couple of days off. Since she’s a fairly sociable gal, she decided to go introduce herself to her neighbor across the street. A nice older gentleman who appeared to live alone. They discussed the neighborhood, the weather, and automated cupcake machines that also vacuum your home.

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Rebecca’s aspiration of being a renaissance sim has been inspiring her to explore cooking.

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So, for lunch, she made a gourmet garlic noodle dish.

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And then some dessert. Why not? It was the weekend!

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Rebecca’s aspiration also inspires her to improve her mind through logic.

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Since she didn’t possess the necessary items for developing logic at her home, and she needs social interaction, I sent her to the park to play chess.

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The above photos are for the readers of my Opi’s Sims blog. The Bachelor and his new wife were seen in the park playing chess together! It looked like Tanya was getting a bit frustrated. I think Tanner was winning!

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Just wanted to give a quick update art tour of Rebecca’s home. She’s still trying to find her style.

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The next day, since she had that off too, she went back to the park.

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This time she played against Tanner.

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When she came home, her stereo was broken. She decided to figure out how to fix it herself.

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And then she curled up with a book to end her weekend.

One thought on “Rebecca Brown: Update 3

  1. This update made me really happy! What a fun weekend =D I never noticed at the top before she’s referred to as a “pet sim” lol

    I would totally buy an automated cupcake machine that also vacuums your home.

    Yay, Tanya and Tanner!! So cute :3


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